2025 Black Fry Retreat & Spring Multi-week Workshops April 1, 2025

*No late applications will be accepted for any reason. 


Contact MWPA executive director Gibson Fay-LeBlanc at director@mainewriters.org or 207-200-7180.

The Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance is now distributing Ex Libris Maine, an e-newsletter that exclusively profiles recently released books by MWPA members, twice per month. The newsletter is sent to a large group of recipients, including our entire MWPA membership and numerous literary organizations, bookstores, libraries, and Maine media contacts.

Inclusion in Ex Libris Maine is free for individual MWPA members to feature their own books. Publisher members may submit any and all books they publish.

PEASE NOTE: Ex Libris Maine is a members-only benefit and exclusively features books published within the current month or the two previous months. For example, the April, 2023 editions can feature titles published in April as well as March and February of 2023. In order to maintain Ex Libris Maine as a resource for newly released titles, we are not able to include books older than this window of time. Ex Libris Maine is published on the second Monday and last Monday of each month; submissions for each month must be received by 5:00 PM on the Thursday prior to the last Monday of the month to qualify for inclusion in a given month’s late edition.

MWPA reserves the right to make editorial changes to Ex Libris submissions to clarify content and ensure all profiles follow a similar format. In rare instances, if a submitted title does not align with MWPA's mission to support all Maine writers and foster an inclusive, representative literary community (You can read more about this purpose here), MWPA may decide not to feature a member's submitted book in a forthcoming Ex Libris.

If you have any questions, please contact Samara Doyon at exlibris@mainewriters.org.

Please fill out the application, include a statement of intent/need, and attach a work sample.

Contact MWPA at programs@mainewriters.org or 207-228-8264.

Thanks so much for your interest in leading a workshop for the MWPA.
Would you please complete the form below?


Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance